27th November
Ladbrokes: 196 dollars.
Pacific Poker: 82 dollars.
Running total: 278 dollars.
As can be seen above I have continued to move forward on Laddies but struggled on Pacific. The brother reports the same pattern.
I've had some nice hands on Laddies this week though, my favourite being K 10 off in late position which hit a flop of K 10 7 rainbow. I bet and got raised on the button and we got two callers for that. The turn gave us another K and they went with me and capped it out. The turn was irrelevant and the same happened with two players dropping out. The full house took down 8 dollars plus, with my opponant on the button having K7, poor sod!
I think that I will use the Pacific holding to experiment with very micro No Limit. I'll see if I can work out how to develop a winning style. Butroz and Juice are both trying out No Limit at the moment, with some success. However, like me, they are wary of this form of the game and are far from convinced that they have cracked it.
Came across a copy of Sklansky's famous book today in Waterstones - looks very good.
red mist
9 years ago
Hey Kronsdat!
Just found your blog!
Well done at Ladbrokes. Juice and myself were trying the speed fixed limit tables there last night. I have a feeling they may be more profitable as a) they'll attract adrenaline junkies and b) the short time limits will pressure weaker players.
Good luck,
The Edge.
Glad you've found it. I had to move to blogspot because Brinkster died on me (no idea why). This is easier anyway.
I agree with you about the speed tables - I haven't starred tonight but I did nicely on them yesterday. I think they are a "good thing". :-)
I still haven't got my game to work on Pacific yet though, but I'll battle on!
The problem with pacific is that both poker office and texas calculatem dont work there. Its like the dark ages. And then there is the sound effects. My last session there was painful. Still up though. Barely.
Come to play nl k. You know you want to.
Which Sklansky book was it? The yellow one?
Yes J, it's the "yellow" one. Great book. You are right about the "no limit". I do want too, but I also know I'm very average at it from previous attempts. I think my aim will be to nail the 25/50 game on Pacific and then experiment with the no limit. Good to see you and Butroz making so much progress there. You'll catch Acornman yet!
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