Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of Year review for 2013

Ok, time to look at the scores on the doors at the end of the year. 

Online Poker = +£864
Bricks and mortar Poker = +£433

Total Poker = £1,297

Matched betting = £10,674

A happy outcome for the year, as I continue to reside among the 10% of players who actually make a profit from playing.  Online, I'm not playing much more than the odd tournament on the APAT site, poker.co.uk, a few times a week.  My roi (return on investment) is good on these though, coming out in the high 90's on "Sharkscope".  I haven't got a wee shark thingy like "LombBomb" Tom though, so I'm right jealous.  :-)

I've enjoyed my bricks and mortar games, mainly APAT, with the two highlights of the year being the final table 6th place in the team event last February and captaining the Ireland A team at the Home Internationals to a silver medal.  The cricket club game on a Thursday night continues to tick over nicely and we will be playing in the APAT team event again at the start of February.  One sad highlight was elimination on three different occasions when I was "four flushed" on the river when ahead.  I'm really hoping for a turnaround on that one.

I'm going to set a target of equaling those outcomes next year and I really must get myself organised into entering more satellites for live events in the North West. 

Now that I am retired, matched betting has really come into its own. 

I started the year slaughtering the spread sites by arbing their horse indecies.  I had over £4K profit from this activity when "Spin" (Sporting Index) finally caught up with me in April and started referring all of my bets to a trader who offered me a lower price.  Game over.  Sadly I was making all of my profits on Spin, so it wasn't really a surprise, but fun while it lasted.

Most of the rest of my profits have come from arbing horses, particularly the William Hill £25 "refund on 2nd" offer.  Cheltenham was particularly profitable last year as well, so I'm looking forward to that bonanza in 12 week's time or so.  I've just checked my little black book and I've "done" 97 books (counting "partner friendlies" twice).  I recently found out that there are over 500 bookies out there in cyber space, so there are plenty more to go at! 

Target for next year: Average profit of £200 a week, which would see me repeat this years profits.

Happy Days!

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