Ladbrokes: 237 dollars.
Pacific: 151 dollars.
Total: 388 dollars.
I've hardly played at all on Laddies but have continued to make good progress on Pacific. I feel I am getting a better read on the general run of players there now. They are loose (50% seeing the flop is regular) and a lot of them will chase down a flush with any two cards. When a third flush card appears on the river and a dutiful caller starts betting you've got to believe him. There is also a strong proclivity to slow play a top pair on the flop - I'm not sure why this should be so prevelant, but I have come across quite a few players doing it. It's very rare on Laddies.
You can't beat the nuts at Christmas!
My favourite hand of the week came when I collected a pair of nines as dealer. I raised when it came round to me and got 3 callers. The flop came 259 rainbow (lovely). I raised again and they all dutifully followed. The turn was a 2. Nice - the nuts - full house. Even better, one the villains bets into me and we cap it out, with one of the limpers still tagging along. The river is a Queen. Theoretically I could be vulnerable to 2 queens but it has to be very long odds against that. We cap it out and I duely take it down with my opponant having three 2's. A nice early Christmas present.
A happy Christmas and prosperous new year to all our readers!
red mist
9 years ago
Hey Kronsdat,
Well done at Pacific.
I know I've probably already asked you, but is that chess thing real time or just a move whenever thing. I'd like to give you a game some time, but a play by email style format would be more suitable for me than a real time game (as I'll probably try to play Poker at the same time and get killed at both!).
Happy Chrstmas mate,
The Edge.
Hi there. The Chess should suit you fine if that's the sort of game you fancy. The url is at The site is free and you play by email. If you sign up as the Edge, I'll track you down on the site and issue a challenge!
What a shark! Mr Edge be careful!
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